Ainsley Nicholson, née Strachan, has been involved in entertainment from an early age. In 2010, she embarked on professional acting classes, and, in 2012, decided to sprout away and search for projects of her own. It was apparent that her love for acting quickly grew into a passion for filmmaking and in 2014 she joined Vanessa Silva and Heather Hentila, and subsequently Chelsea Gray, to build what would later become Footlight Studios.
While continuously making content, Ainsley graduated from California State of San Marcos with her Bachelors degree in Media Studies. As her love for the combination of film and education grew, she widened her knowledge and spent a year abroad in England, studying film at the University of Central Lancashire, and began working on her Masters degree in Education shortly thereafter.
Ainsley utilizes her Masters in Education to help foster the learning environment on set and shares her knowledge of writing, acting, and filmmaking with creatives in front of and behind the camera. Her skills in communications, media and education continue to provide positive attributes during every step of the filmmaking process. In addition, Ainsley continues to write, produce, and act in a variety of different projects across a multitude of mediums.